Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lake Pepin Art and Design Center Benefit

Sorry about how small this is, technical difficulties with the web-master, that would be me. Double click on the image and it will enlarge. I donated a small oil painting of Lake Pepin and the Maiden Rock Bluffs, the little upper right image on the poster. Unfortunately I forgot to photograph it before I let it go, so I have no image of it. My sister Mary donated a wonderful hooked rug, and there are other great works that are just a raffle ticket away! Anyone who can make the benefit, it is a worthy cause and should be a really fun time with music and food and art - Saturday, January 28, 4-8 at the Center.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My View

This is the view out my window for the next few months! I just drove down to SE Arizona with my cat Moby as sidekick. I made it in record time - (thank you Elle for the great gift of lectures on my ipod) Moby didn't like stopping and I figured out how to use a tennis ball on my hamstrings and seat while driving to release tight muscles. If anyone has sciatic pain while distance driving this is an amazing help. During my drive the moon was a wonderful guide in the dark of dawn and dusk, blazing the westward way. My plan is to start exploring some new things in paint. This equals a high risk of failure and a high probability of no posts of my work, but I am sure to come up with other interesting things to post while I am down here.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Water Studies

Charcoal on paper
11 x 15 (each)

Happy New Year! I decided my first post of the year would be water images. Water has been in my dreams a lot lately, and I have been thinking of "going with the flow" , "fluidity" , and how water finds the path of least resistance. Wondering if we steer our lives or do our lives steer us?