Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hiking Chiricahua Monument

Yesterday I went with a couple of friends over to the west side of the Chiricahuas to hike in the Monument area. It was a fantastic day, like walking through a fairy-land of wild rock formations. The second photo is called "Punch and Judy", for obvious reasons. The last photo is a shot of the canyon from the top, we hiked down about 10 miles to the visitor center.
I have to admit I am doing a lot more hiking than painting....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Southwest - My view

I am in the southwest for my annual winter sojourn. The views in all directions from my place are spectacular - it's hard to get working because all I want to do is sit and look, absorb. I was talking to my artist friend Harriet about this and she gave wonderful advice, she said

"You are living in the painting. Be that."

I received some good news last week, I have been accepted into an art group called PAN - It is a group of Minnesota and Wisconsin artists who share a combined interest in art and nature/conservancy. Check out the site for more information. The group puts on a couple of shows a year, I will be posting upcoming information on my Blog.