Monday, December 26, 2011
Sarapiqui River
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Two Trees
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Last Swan photo
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
New (old) easel
Sunday, October 30, 2011
North Shore paint-sketches
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Swans, continued
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Sense of Place
Monday, October 3, 2011
Fresh Art Fall Show
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Whooping Crane

Saturday, August 20, 2011
Project Art for Nature, led by River Falls based artist Vera Ming Wong, consists of approximately 27 artists and illustrators from many areas of Minnesota and Wisconsin. To highlight nearby gems of prairie, forest, river and wetland, PAN artists create artworks focused on individually chosen natural areas in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Visiting the sites regularly throughout a two-to-three-year cycle, observations of seasonal and cumulative changes in native plant and animal communities spark curiosity, reflection and creative responses. The participating artists share their sites and insights into both nature and art with one another and, through exhibitions and related educational programs, with the general public.
Places Between, Species Within: Project Art for Nature's fourth cycle unfurls with a show of new works, by both new and renewing artists, at the Phipps Center for the Arts in Hudson, Wisconsin. Exhibit Dates: 19 Aug – 25 Sep 2011; Opening Reception, 26 Aug, 6:30-8:30 pm. Round Table Discussion with Exhibiting Artists, 25 Sep 2011, 2:00-4:00 pm. Check the Phipps website for gallery hours, For more information about Project Art for Nature and participating artists, please visit
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Swan Family
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Show at the Phipps

Monday, July 25, 2011
Trumpeter Swans
Monday, July 11, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Rainy Lake
Monday, June 6, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Trumpeter Swans
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Arizona Critters
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Hiking Chiricahua Monument
Monday, February 14, 2011
Southwest - My view
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Deep Woods