I have been doing animal studies for the past 6 months or so. I love the patterns on goats and their body shape and expression. Anyone who has spent time with goats knows how much personality they have!
(first stanza of) The Goat, by Umberto Saba
Ho parlato a una capra
Era sola sul prato, era legata.
Sazia d'erbe, bagnata
dalla pioggia, belava.
I have spoken with a goat.
She was alone in the meadow, tied to a post.
Satiated with grass and her coat
rain-sodden, she was bleating.
Why is this only thing I remember by heart after studying Italian for three years in college?
1 comment:
I love goats eyes, so strange! I've been drawing and painting them a bit, but it's hard to run across models...
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